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Team Toy Trunk

Developmental Milestones in Children

DECEMBER 25, 2022

Kids Developmental Milestone
Kids Developmental Milestone

Developmental milestones are the skills and abilities that children typically develop at certain ages. These milestones are a guide for what is considered normal development and can help identify any developmental delays or disabilities. These milestones are classified in three categories:

  1. Motor development

  2. Language development

  3. Social and emotional development

Here are some major developmental milestones for children: Birth to 3 months: During this period, babies will lift their heads briefly when placed on their stomachs, open their hands, and make cooing noises. 3 to 6 months: At this age, babies will be able to hold their heads steady, reach for toys, and make gurgling sounds. 6 to 9 months: At this age, babies will be able to sit up on their own, crawl, and use their fingers to pick up small objects. 9 to 12 months: At this age, babies will be able to pull themselves up to a standing position and may take their first steps. They will also be able to use their thumb and index finger to pick up small objects. 12 to 18 months: At this age, children will be able to walk, stack blocks, and use simple words. 18 to 24 months: At this age, children will be able to run, throw a ball, and use two-word phrases. 2 to 3 years: At this age, children will be able to kick a ball, build towers with blocks, and use three-word phrases. 3 to 4 years: At this age, children will be able to hop on one foot, ride a tricycle, and use complete sentences. 4 to 5 years: At this age, children will be able to throw a ball overhand, draw simple shapes, and name most familiar objects. It's important to note that every child goes through above mentioned milestones but no two child go through them at the same time. Every child is different and may reach milestones at different ages. If you have concerns about your child's development, it's always a good idea to speak with your pediatrician. - Toy Trunk team

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